Channel: Rend Collective
Category: Music
Tags: rend collective at home worshipworship musicrend socially distant worship clubrend collective social distant clublive worshipsocially distant worship clubrend co social distant clubrend collective socially distant worship clubrend collective live from homerend liverend collectivechoose to worshipsocially distant worship club session 3rend co worshiprend collective livestreamrendrend collective liverend collective worship
Description: Join us again for another Socially Distant Worship Club meeting as Chris leads us in worship, and Gareth shares a message about why it's important to not ONLY remind ourselves of God's faithfulness in the past, but that He promises to do a NEW thing. That there are mercies for every moment to keep our eyes fixed upon Him. Get the CHOOSE TO WORSHIP album here: Subscribe to Rend Collective: Follow us! Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Check out other videos: Rend Collective - Revival Anthem (Official Video): Rend Collective - Sing It From The Shackles (Lyric Video): Rend Collective - YOUR NAME IS POWER (Official Video):