Channel: Glider
Category: Entertainment
Tags: superjeffy ytpjeffy sml ytpsuper jeffysml ytp super jeffyentertainmentsml ytp jeffysml ytpglidersuperluigilogansupermariologansml jeffysmlhumorsuperman smljeffysml ytp superjeffyglider ytpglider jeffycomedysuper jeffy smlsuperjeffysuper jeffy sml ytpsuperjeffy smlsupersuperbowseroganytpsml supermanjeffy supermanglider smljeffy sml videossupermanjeffy sml
Description: Jeffy becomes Superman! This is a YTP and NOT a real SML Movie. I do not own Jeffy or any of the characters and clips used in my SML YTPs. I only make these for entertainment purposes. All Rights are Reserved to SML. ➤Thanks for Watching! ————————————————————— ➤SUBSCRIBE for More SML YTPs! ————————————————————— ➤ Subscribe to SML! ————————————————————— ➤ A YTP is a style of video editing that involves taking pre-existing sources and remixing them into something bizarre, funny, and random. —————————————————————