Channel: Chilly
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: jeffy vlogjeffy jeffysupermariologan jeffysupermariologanlogan and tito vlogschillysml jeffysml learning cprsmllogan and titochilly vlogsml jeffy vlogssupermariologan vlogsml jeffy vlogsml vlogslogan vlogscprjeffy vlogspoopermancpr practicesml moviechilly vlogssml vloglogan vlogsml superpowerssupermariologan vlogsjeffy's superpowerslearning cprjeffy puppetsml movie jeff's superpowersjeffy sml
Description: Today, Logan and Tito tried learning CPR but it didn't go as planned lol Sorry for missing two videos! Ill see you in two days, I promise! FOLLOW THE SML CREW ON INSTAGRAM (CHILLY) (LOGAN) (TITO/TEEDS) FOLLOW ON TWITTER