Channel: Chilly
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: jeffy vlog$500bee challengejeffy jeffysml behind the scenessml jeffychillysaving beesbumble beessmlchilly vlogsml jeffy vlogsbehind the scenessml beessml jeffy vlogjeffysml vlogs$100logan vlogsjeffy gets stung by a beechilly btsone bee = $100jeffy vlogsalmost stungsml jeffy puppetsml moviechilly vlogssml vlogsml movie jeffysaving the beeslogan vlogjeffys youtubechallengesave the beesjeffy puppetsml bts
Description: I had a bunch of bees trapped in my screen in porch when I accidentally left it open for a few hours. So enjoy the vlog of Logan and Tito trying to save them lol FOLLOW THE SML CREW ON INSTAGRAM- (CHILLY) (LOGAN) (TITO/TEEDS) FOLLOW ON TWITTER