Channel: EroldStory
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: erold storyitsalexclarkschool storyjaiden animationsjaidenanimationsskipping classeroldstory skippingtonyvtoonsskipping schoolrun from principaltimtomtheoddonesoutskip classskip schoolerold animationtheodd1soutjaiden animationeroldstoryeroldalexclark
Description: ( More info on "EroldStory" and my Equipment/Setup! Read down below! ) ✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ Social Media & Links ◢Twitter: ◢Instagram: ◢Facebook: ✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ What is "Erold Story?" A place for you to be entertained! The goal is to make you laugh, have somewhere to hangout, and feel welcome. I'm just your average kid that's into a bunch of different stuff! Anime, kpop, parties, reading, food, bboying, volleyball, basketball, etc. We probably have atleast one thing in common, haha. ✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ Intro Music: Marble Soda by Shawn Wasabi Outro Music: Re:Zero OP2 8bit by Musikage on YouTube ✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ EQUIPMENT & SETUP ◢ Microphone: Blue Snowball Ice! ◢ Editing Software: LightWorks // Adobe Premier ◢ Drawing Software: Paint Tool Sai ◢ Tablet: Wacom Intuos Pro S ◢ Animation Software: It's literally just a slideshow of pictures