Channel: Thoisoi2 - Chemical Experiments!
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: p-n type junctionsinorganic chemistrysilicon crystalschipsemiconductorthoisoimoissaniteelement chemistrygas silanestandard siliconsilicon sphereprocessorsilicon carbidesilicon propertieselement on earthmetalloidsiliconsilicone propertiesdiodesolar cellsthe smartest siliconmetalloids chemistrydiode design
Description: Radiation dosimeter: Best Patrons: Stan Presolski, reinforcedconcrete, Dean Bailey, Bob Drucker, Pradeep Sekar, Applied Science, Purple Pill, afreeflyingsoul. Thank you guys! DIE photo by: Hi everyone! In this video I am going to tell you about silicon, which can definitely be called the smartest element on earth because no calculations that modern day devices do would have been possible without this metalloid. Patreon: Facebook: Instagram: Do not repeat the experiments shown in this video!