Channel: ShopBuilt
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: table saw jighomemadetenoningdiytable sawcustomjigtenoning jigmortisemortisermortise and tenontenon
Description: Please keep in mind this is mainly only good for Frame and panel doors as the material needs to be the same thickness. When I came across the microjig dovetail clamps I new I could come up with some uses for them. So I thought long and hard about how I could improve the traditional tenoning jig. This tenoning jig incorporates a self positioning fence by referencing the mortise. I am really surprised on how will the jig works and as far as i know, there isn’t another jig like it:) but i’m sure someone will show me one that is:( Big thanks to microjig for sending me the clamps, please check them out here: Instagram: