Channel: JubileeBlais
Category: Gaming
Tags: jubilee blaislet's gopokemon let's go pikachupokemon shiny huntingpokemon shiny reactionlet's go pikachujubileeblaislet's go glitchpokemon glitchnew shiny methodpokemon golet's go eeveepokemon let's go eeveeshiny failpokemonshiny reactionmandjtveasy shiny pokemonshiny reclaimshiny glitchlet's go shiny reactionnew pokemonlet's go shiny huntingpokemon let's go shiny reactionlet's go shiny failpokemon let's go shiny fail
Description: Shiny Charizard was only the screen for moments before a rogue Pidgeotto made it disappear. What caused shiny Charizard to disappear?! Fortunately, praise be to Title T, Shiny Charizard was reclaimed only an hour or two later! I hope you enjoy my shiny fail and reclaim from Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee! Be sure to leave a like and subscribe for more! Buy the Shiny Kyogre Never Give Up, Never Surrender Shirt Here! Buy Title T Merch Here! Premium Shirts: Mugs, Socks, Iphone case, stickers, slightly lower quality shirts: Twitter: Instagram: Patreon: #shinyfail #shinyreaction #pokemonletsgo