Channel: JubileeBlais
Category: Gaming
Tags: jubilee blaislet's gopokemon let's go pikachupokemon shiny huntingpokemon articunolet's go pikachujubileeblaisnew shiny methodarticuno let's goshiny articunopokemon golet's go eeveeshiny legendary birdpokemon let's go eeveeshiny failpokemonshiny legendary pokemonshiny reactionshiny legendaryeasy shiny pokemonlegendary pokemonlet's go shiny reactionnew pokemonlet's go shiny huntinglegendary birds
Description: Shiny Articuno in under 100 resets! Sorry for the bad quality, this reaction took place when my internet wasn't working properly and I was experiencing very bad lag during streams. Twitter: Instagram: Patreon: #shinyhunting #shinyreaction #pokemon