Channel: Spanish With Paul
Category: Education
Tags: learn spanish for beginnersbeginners spanish coursespanishlearnpastbeginners spanishmini coursespanish with paullessonvideospanish sentencesquererspanishwithpaul.comspanish for beginnersbeginnersverbstutorialpresentclass
Description: Give your Spanish a great workout today with tons of practice in sentence building based around two very natural sounding and common phrases we use all the time in everyday conversation. DOWNLOAD COURSE BOOKS: MINI COURSES: MONDAY LESSON SERIES: Hi everyone, Paul here... In everyday English we use "I just..." and "I just wanted..." a lot. It's very natural, informal and relaxed. The good news is that we can do the very same in Spanish and it's also just as easy! In this lesson we'll work with the verb "querer" both in the past and in the present to achieve this. You'll get lots of sentence practice as well with many of the most common verbs in Spanish which should do wonders to build your speaking confidence. See you next Monday, Paul