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Saving almost $ 12 / How to do it yourself

Duration: 06:17Views: 8.9KLikes: 283Date Created: Jan, 2021

Channel: romanursuhack RomanUrsuHack

Category: Howto & Style

Tags: как нарезатьтёркаиз дереваusdursuинтересныероман урсу видеокак сделать своими рукамив домашних условияхигрушкиhowhackсэкономить деньгиromanursuroman ursu новое видеоromanursuhackdiyкак натеретьиз нержавейкиочумелые ручкидолларсамостоятельноиз вилкиподелкисвоими рукамиизобретениеидеиhowtoroman ursuсамоделкикак сэкономитьтрендденьгиsavingвилкарезhackerсвоими руками в домашних условияхtoтёрка своими руками

Description: #Make #Homemade #Idea #DIY #romanursu Sometimes very simple things - that you can do yourself is very expensive. Therefore, do not rush to spend money and replenish someone's pockets. Better buy something really useful for this money. And what, according to you, does not justify the cost and you can do it yourself - do not buy! Spend your free time with Use! Welcome to the channel Roman Ursu Hack. Here you will learn how to do with your own hands, homemade wood, homemade electronics, Christmas crafts, gifts, toys, scarecrows for Halloween, it is important that all this can be done at home independently! Announcements and photos of the work process are periodically published on our Instagram: instagram.com/romanursu @romanursu @zoomdiy In our Vkontakte group you can independently publish photos of your homemade products, ideas. And also you can ask questions to the author or the community if something does not work out. We will support you and will not leave you in trouble): vk.com/romanursu Classmates also have homemade goods more than enough: ok.ru/romanursu For those who have Tik Tok in the trend, to our surprise it grows fast!) So we're cool :) Fly in: @zoomdiy For Serious Uncle and Aunt facebook.com/romanursuhack

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