Channel: Rcham
Category: Gaming
Tags: gamingfunny gamingsurvivalupdateelectricitycctvtrap baserustfunny rustpcrchamrust electricityfunny rust momentsauto turretcamerarust trap basegameplay
Description: Install Raid for Free ✅ Mobile: ✅ PC: and get a special starter pack 💥 Available only for the next 30 days! Disclaimer: Battery Drainer is a parody, and not a real product available for purchase. JOIN MY DISCORD - CLICK JOIN to support my channel, get a helmet by your name in the comments, AND get your name featured at the end of every video! LIVE ON TWITCH - In today's video I set up a cctv auto turret trap base and trapped a few clans with it. One group tried to raid the trap base and they were destroyed by the turrets out side and were pinned making for an easy counter when I came back from the other base.