Channel: Jason Silva: Shots of Awe
Category: Education
Tags: sacrificial work ethicsoul connectionthe price of successreinvent yourselfvalue of timejason silvasell your timewhat is the price of successhow to reinvent yourselftime is precioussoul sicknessrecreate yourselfshots of awe jason silvasell your soulsacrifice joytrue price of successtime is more valuable than moneyreinvent yourself motivational videoshots of awejason silva shots of awetime is precious don't waste itjoy and intimacy
Description: The world is always asking us to sacrifice joy over purpose. We’re reminded over and over that the price for success is nothing less than everything, so we feel constant pressure to move forward so we won’t fall behind. Sometimes we even compare the value of joy & intimacy to time - but these things are PRICELESS. How do we balance our productivity and integrity? How do we prevent ourselves from running endlessly on the hamster wheel of life? Jason Silva shares his insight on our most precious resource and explains how if you sell your time, you sell your soul. Learn about the importance of dedicating time and focus to nurturing intimacy and soul connections, as well as why we need to identify what factors are currently driving us in order to create a life of true value. Join the party, subscribe here: → Learn more about Jason: → =Social Media= FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: