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RV Updates, News, Discounts, Appearances and More! 2019 Review & 2020 Preview.

Duration: 11:44Views: 11KLikes: 623Date Created: Dec, 2019

Channel: RVgeeks

Category: Autos & Vehicles

Tags: 5th wheeltrailerrvinghow-torvdiytravelmotorhome

Description: As big a year as 2019 was, 2020 is already shaping up to be even bigger! Join us as we review 2019, and give you a sneak peek into what's coming in 2020. 2020 RVGEEKS APPEARANCES (SO FAR!): JAN 11-19, 2020 — Xscapers Annual Bash — Lake Havasu City, AZ (SORRY... SOLD OUT) xscapers.com/event/xscapers-annual-bash-2020 JAN 16, 2020, 6PM — Tampa RV Show RVnGO After Party The Wing House — 5003 US-301, Tampa, FL 33610 (across from Fairground entrance) facebook.com/events/5003-us-301-tampa-fl-33610-7374-united-states/tampa-rv-after-party-at-the-wing-house/582797345848272 JAN 21 & 22, 2020, 7PM — We join Anthony Nalli and his band Wicked Truth Silly Al's Pizza — 175 W Main St, Quartzsite, AZ sillyalspizza.com wickedtruth.ca FEB 12-16, 2020 — RVillage Rally — Live Oak, FL — TICKETS STILL AVAILABLE rvillagerally.com __________________________________________________________ SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON LEDs, AND AWNING & SLIDE TOPPER FABRIC! Use Discount Code GEEKS2020 at Tough Top Awnings and M4 LEDs and save 10% THROUGH ALL OF JANUARY, 2020! After that, you can still save 5% at both Tough Top (Code: RVGEEKSROCK) and M4 (Code: RVGEEKS5) toughtopawnings.com m4products.com/?aff=4 JOIN ESCAPEES AND SUPPORT THE C.A.R.E. CENTER! Use our link when you do and we’ll donate 100% of our affiliate income to the Escapees C.A.R.E. Center, a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit organization supporting RVing members in need. escapees.com/refer/RV+Geeks THE RVERS TV SERIES thervers.tv facebook.com/therverstv HEATH & ALYSSA PADGETT heathandalyssa.com youtube.com/heathpadgett MORTONS ON THE MOVE mortonsonthemove.com youtube.com/mortonsonthemove RECENT AND RELATED VIDEOS: Best Headlight Cleaner Yet: youtu.be/wmT2KHB23DA RV Gray Valve Replacement: youtu.be/U8xhVxXPtB8 Replace Your Propane Detector: youtu.be/_fC9GtG0rsA Italian RV Tour - Part 2 - Interior: youtu.be/zc_PRIZAR3s Italy RV Tour - Part 1 - Exterior: youtu.be/MBypM3r57kI RV Shower Repair & Caulking Tips: youtu.be/_KuVg6o1uZw RV TPMS - Our New System: youtu.be/AzFlCYknOUE The RVers Producer Anthony Nalli: youtu.be/5n_My1lH42I Goodbye to FLAKING RV PAINT!: youtu.be/SWZyZRPV6WI Ultimate RV Electrical Protection: youtu.be/N3npmvK5pE8 We're Coming to A TV Near You!: youtu.be/FyBzFxv-OC0 Micro-Air EasyStart Installation: youtu.be/1mCeNRODDxc Face East When We Boondock?: youtu.be/ng2PUgVAjT4 OUR COMPLETE LED VIDEO PLAYLIST: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL57sd9ryLVgPQyoip80QRxQdApGrSbKkC OUR COMPLETE AWNING & SLIDE TOPPER PLAYLIST: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL57sd9ryLVgP-X_YuOjJEe54-33SZCVKH Here's a list of some of our favorite products that any new RV owner might want to own, available on Amazon: Viair 400P-RV Portable Compressor: amzn.to/2qHt9o1 LevelmatePRO RV Leveling Device: amzn.to/2J26olh Utility Blocks - Single: amzn.to/2qH7dIE Utility Blocks - 4 Pack: amzn.to/2qFUYNm 20' Heavy Duty Sewer Hose: amzn.to/2vpmXpp Clear Elbow Adapter: amzn.to/2JTCOjj 20' Sewer Hose Support: amzn.to/2H9PdO1 25' NeverKink Drinking Water Hose: amzn.to/2qEew3Q Adjustable Water Pressure Regulator: amzn.to/2JX9sAu Meguiar's NXT 2.0 Wax: amzn.to/2JYmE7Y Aerospace 303: amzn.to/2JVz14I Invisible Glass w/Rain Repellent: amzn.to/2H9PIHT 360 Siphon Vent - White: amzn.to/2HJpZqN 360 Siphon Vent - Black: amzn.to/2JVzS5q Join us at TheRVgeeks.com for more great RVing content! For info about our TV show, The RVers: TheRVers.tv Full-Time RVers since April, 2003, we share DIY (do it yourself) RV maintenance, repair, travel, upgrade and operational tips & tricks. We're handy RVers, not professional technicians. We're happy with the techniques and products we use, but be sure to confirm that all methods and materials you use are compatible with your equipment and abilities. Regardless of what we recommend, consult a professional if you're unsure about working on your RV. Any task you perform or product you purchase based on any information we provide is strictly at your own risk. We sometimes receive products for evaluation at no cost, and The RVgeeks participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. But our opinions are our own, you won’t pay an extra penny, and we only link to products we personally use, love and can recommend to friends with complete confidence. Comments welcome! Thanks for watching! Don't forget to subscribe! #THERVERS #RVLIFE #RVDIY #RVLIVING #FULLTIMERV #RVREPAIR #RVMAINTENANCE #RVMODS #RVUPGRADES #RVTRAVEL #DIYRV #RVGEEKS

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