Channel: Rcham
Category: Gaming
Tags: rust pvpsurvival gameswholesomecyingkidtrap base rustcsgo funny momentsrust base 2020rust survivaltrollingrust electric trap baselittle kidrustrust traprust trappinglive stream highlightsrust gameplayrcham face revealfunnyrust kid ragerust funny gameplaytoxicrust clanrust 2020rust base designrust gamplay2020rust gameplay funny momentssqueakertrap baserust trollingrchamlivestreamfailsrust funny momentsrust trap base
Description: Go to and find out how you can get 3 months free ππππππππππ ππ§π πππππ πππ πππππ π πππππ ππ ππππππ Today's video was a highlight from a rust live stream after I had just finished recording another rust trap base video. We had just started the livestream when AK m249 and l96 shots started blasting outside our door on an official vanilla server. I immediately tried to lure them into the trap base but the must have figured out that it was a trap because of the auto-turrets. We ended up trapping a little kid with a semi instead. The kid eventually began crying profusely for us to give him his ak back and the video ends on a wholesome note because I feel like Rust needs more moments like that. Outro song: Abelard - Dance in Space Thumbnail by @SinHunSan1