Channel: AlphaDestiny
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: increase pullupget a strong pullupdc trainingribcagelat workoutstrengthmore latsback resultslatsring pullupsbig latspaul carterpullups latsrack chins300lb pullupback workoutweighted calisthenicshuge lats naturallyrack pullupsweighted chins1rmweighted pulluptnationbest lat exerciseweighted chinupbest back exerciseupper backweighted stretchcalisthenicsbodybuildinghow to get a big backbig back pullupspullups back
Description: Want massive lats naturally? These simple form fixes and variations will emphasize so much more. Instagram: ---------------------------------------- My Gym Equipment: ---------------------------------------- Neck Flex: ---------------------------------------- 5% off Naturally Enhanced Using Code "ADF" ---------------------------------------- My Free Novice Program! ---------------------------------------- Nutrition Guide: ---------------------------------------- Want to consult me for email exchanges, consultations, online coaching, or for custom programs? 0:00 Introduction 0:07 The best grip? 0:57 Fully lengthening 1:25 Bent knees & weighted 1:59 Include rings! 2:32 Rack chins? 2:56 Again lengthening 3:20 Better leveraging 4:05 Mostly neutral 4:28 Adding weight 5:17 Conclusion Disclaimer: AlphaDestiny is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. AlphaDestiny will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death. #Pullups #Lats #Calisthenics