Channel: Back To Reality
Category: Education
Tags: egg toothpondsoftshell turtlehabitatreptilesblanding's turtlepopulation declinemotherhoodwetlandsturtle eggsspotted turtlepainted turtlewild turtlesontariomap turtleturtle nestanimalsbaby animalswildlifeamphibiansendangered animalsbiologyturtlenaturebaby turtlewood turtlesnapping turtlevegancute animalsanimationmusk turtleconservationcanadasciencehatchling
Description: Consider supporting our channel on Patreon, to help us create more videos. --- Earlier this year, we spotted a female Blanding's Turtle, laying eggs in the sandy soil behind our house. Given how many hungry raccoons we have in the area, we decided to do our best to protect the nest until the end of summer, when they would hopefully hatch. So in this video, we look at the full cycle from eggs to hatchlings, and even a bit about turtle motherhood. Organizations that track the status of wild turtles, here in Ontario, Canada: Ontario Turtle Atlas Ontario Turtle Tally