Channel: Mike Russell
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: glitch effecthow tovideo tutorialpremiere proadobe premiere glitch effectpremiere pro tutorialpremiere pro glitch effectglitch sound effectpremiere pro effectspremiere pro glitch tutorialvideo editing tutorialpremiere pro audioadobe premierepremiere glitch effectadobe premiere provideo editing tipsglitch soundpremiere pro ccpremiere tutorialaudio editingglitch effect tutorial
Description: Have some fun with this glitch making tutorial. Step by step explanation given with multiple options. ▶ ◀ 🎙 Adobe Premiere Pro Presets! 🎧 The audio presets I use. ▶ ◀ 🎚 Learn how to master audio production using Audacity or Adobe Audition. 🎤 #premiere pro #glitcheffect #videoediting 0:00 Tutorial Start 0:10 Check out my Premiere Pro Audio Presets 0:35 Getting started 0:53 Recording a voiceover into track 1 1:07 Making the audio stereo 1:17 G Key to make it nice and loud/normalize audio 1:30 Pitch shifter in the effects panel 1:57 Distortion effect inside the effects panel 2:17 Finding the distortion AUDIO effect 2:27 Infinite Distortion the best of the lot 2:42 Chop and space the audio 3:24 Audio workspace - add reverb 3:40 Testing different reverb presets 4:20 Increase/Decrease the speed of your glitch 4:36 Wrap up 4:56 Subscribe to the channel! ▶My YouTube Setup: ▶Get FREE jingles: ▶Subscribe To My Channel: 🎙Cool Stuff For Audio Creators🎙 ▶Community For Audio Geeks Like Me: ▶Buy My Royalty Free Music: ▶Get Your Own Jingles and Voice Overs: ▶Audio Sale is now ON: