Channel: Battle Universe
Category: Entertainment
Tags: gameboardgamesnerf battle universehi5 studiosconnect 4nurfconnect 4 gamefrisbeesfrisbee challengeconnect fourfrisbeeconnect four challengeboardgamefrisbee gamehi5board gamenerfgiantfunnyboard game challengegiant connect 4giant challengesconnect four gamegiant boardgamegiant challengegiant gamenerf battlegiant board gamegiant connect fourbattle universeconnect 4 challengehi5 nerfchallengeboard gamesgiant games
Description: Today, Woods built this AWESOME GIANT Connect 4 board! Instead of just dropping in pieces, we threw frisbees to add a little bit more fun and randomness to it! Hope you guys enjoy it, cuz Woods worked super hard on it hahaha Don't Shoot The WRONG Disney Character! NERF Guess Who Challenge! ➡ Twitter ➡ Instagram ➡ Upload Schedule: Mon/Wed/Fri at 1:50pm PST! DISCLAIMER: This channel uses NERF Rival and Mega Blasters, as well as some modded blasters that we create. These are NOT recommended for anyone aged 13 or below! If you liked what you saw but want more than just NERF, make sure to check out our other family friendly channels at Hi5 Studios below: Dope Or Nope ➡ 10 Products That Are Totally OVERKILL! Get Good Gaming ➡ Spy Vs. Villains Challenge! | GTA5 Matthias ➡ Caught Him Drinking Too Many 'Bangs'! RØZE ➡ I Ruined Her Birthday Cake! Team Edge ➡ The Puppy Olympics Challenge!!