Channel: VWestlife
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: compactnremerson1000wearrecordingdynamic rangeferriccassettetype imaxelllifetimesmusictapeexperimentlaserlongevityaudioboomboxdenontanashinmechanismphilipsdr-m24hxtestmythbustingplayeddolbyqualityswireoxidesetupplayingmagneticsmemorex
Description: How many times can you play a cassette tape before it gets worn out? I played this tape on a cheap boombox over 1000 times and then directly compared it to "live" audio. Get your scarf and wine glass ready! Chapter Index: 0:00 Intro 0:53 Maxell & Philips tape life claims 1:44 What counts as one play? 2:34 Making the recording 4:33 First play 6:27 Tape life test setup 8:28 500th play 10:23 1000th play 11:36 Direct comparisons 14:35 Is it live or is it Memorex? 15:38 Audio quality test setup 17:04 "Live" vs. tape recordings 20:07 Why cassettes got a bad reputation 21:15 Outro music