Category: Gaming
Tags: full versionpokémon (video game series)iosdowngoodipodrandomizerredalpha spphirehackdownloadromsgamesgba4ios 2.0otagba rom hackneweggspokémon emeraldiphoneno jailbreakemulatorlight platinumpyroinstalloperationidroidipadrandomizedemeraldnolinkiemulatorgba4ioskinsbestboxomega rubygame boy advance (computer)egglockepyrofilmsfxjailbreakfreepokemongbafire redno computergpsphonegba4iosblueemu4iosriley testutdevelopermithical
Description: Learn how to play Pokémon GBA Egglockes on your iPhone, iPod or iPad using GBA4iOS! Pokemon Egglockes are an awesome way to play your favorite Pokemon games! Leave a Like if this video helped you 👍🏼 Thanks for watching! ___ DOWNLOAD LINKS: GBA4iOS: Dropbox: Pokemon Egglocke Saves: Pokemon Games: ___ Egglocke Rules: 1. Any Pokemon you catch must be swapped for an egg that is in the PC and leveled up using Rare Candies to the level of the caught Pokemon. 2. You can only catch the first Pokemon you encounter in any area throughout the game. 3. When a Pokemon faints it is classed as a death, and the Pokemon has to then be released or put in a PC box exclusively for 'dead' Pokemon ___ Instagram! Twitch Livestreams :D Twitter :) ___ Music in the BG: ___ This video is owned by OPERATIONiDROID, unless images/music specified in above description. Footage recorded for fair use and intended for educational purposes