Channel: Easy After Effects
Category: Education
Tags: plasma balllightning effectsplasma effectmotion designafter effects tutorialmotion graphicsplasma animationlightning after effectsvfx after effectslightning animationvfx tutorialmotion effectsanimated lightningmotion tutorials
Description: I was surprised when I couldn't find any After Effects tutorial for some Plasma ball effect or similar. So I thought it would be good to make something like this. After Effects Template for tutotrial: Website: Instagram: @ilya.dynkin Gmail: Facebook: 0:00 - Preview 0:07 - Make new composition 0:29 - Add new solid and apply "Advanced lightning" 2:15 - Duplicate lightning few times 3:01 - Make a core of energy 4:10 - Use "Lens" effect 5:10 - Add plasma ball to the initial image 6:01 - Add more duplciates, play with timing, glow and blend modes 7:27 - Let's make a light flickering on the hand 10:22 - Main animation 11:50 - Result Music: Six Seasons - Unicorn Heads Your Suggestions - Unicorn Heads