Channel: Hethfilms
Category: Entertainment
Tags: plants vs zombie garden warfareplants vs zombies 2lets playhethfilmsdownload plants vs zombies 2zombies day outpokémon vs. plants vs. zombiesjuegos de plantasplants vs zombie real lifeplantas contra zombies 3 trailerplants vs zombies 2 demoplantas contra zombiesplants vs zombies 3 trailerreal lifezombossplantsplants vs zombies 2 freeplants vs zombiesvideo game mashupsplants vs zombies 3 in real lifezombiesfunnyzombies in real life
Description: After defeating the Zombies in the far future all seemed well for our hero and his buddy Crazy Dave. But now suddenly the future changed and the Zombies are back on the rise! After Dave's old friend George disappeared right in front of him, he knows that something changed the current timeline. Now our hero has to retrace his steps in the past and find out what happened to George and put the Zombies back into the game. . . We hope you enjoy this new entry in our Plants VS Zombies in real life saga. Also watch closely, once again we managed to hide a lot of easter eggs in the video and also there's a hidden link somewhere in the movie to a secret hidden easter egg video for you to find, have fun and good luck! :) PART 1: PART 2: PART 3: Just a quick note, we have just added English subtitles. Make sure to activate them and use youtube's auto translation to have them shown in your native language. Enjoy! :) Solo una nota rápida, acabamos de agregar subtítulos en inglés. Asegúrese de activarlos y usar la traducción automática de youtube para que se muestren en su idioma nativo. ¡Disfrutar! :) Apenas uma observação rápida, acabamos de adicionar legendas em inglês. Certifique-se de ativá-los e use a tradução automática do youtube para mostrá-los no seu idioma nativo. Desfrutar! :) Chỉ cần một ghi chú nhanh, chúng tôi vừa thêm phụ đề tiếng Anh. Đảm bảo kích hoạt chúng và sử dụng bản dịch tự động của youtube để hiển thị chúng bằng ngôn ngữ mẹ đẻ của bạn. Thưởng thức! :) Russian subtitles by Random Short: "Crazy Dave" played by BASTELHANS: DISCLAIMER: This is a fan project and in no way affiliated with Popcap / Electronic Arts Inc. Music attributions: Blue Sizzle - Madness Paranoia von Kevin MacLeod ist unter der Lizenz "Creative Commons Attribution" ( lizenziert. Quelle: Künstler: Dangerous von Kevin MacLeod ist unter der Lizenz "Creative Commons Attribution" ( lizenziert. Quelle: Künstler: Hitman von Kevin MacLeod ist unter der Lizenz "Creative Commons Attribution" ( lizenziert. Quelle: Künstler: All This - Scoring Action von Kevin MacLeod ist unter der Lizenz "Creative Commons Attribution" ( lizenziert. Quelle: Künstler: Deep Noise von Kevin MacLeod ist unter der Lizenz "Creative Commons Attribution" ( lizenziert. Quelle: Künstler: Black Vortex - Scoring Action von Kevin MacLeod ist unter der Lizenz "Creative Commons Attribution" ( lizenziert. Quelle: Künstler: Cinematical Trailers by attunetunez Theme of the Mouse von Michael Donner Music Venom Theme von Michael Donner Music Twitter: Facebook: Check out our channel for more awesome videos! #plantsvszombies #gardenwarefare #fanfilm