Channel: Summer Rayne Oakes
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: plants and pilatesgardeningeasy plantshouseplantsbodies and plantsplant one on meplantssummer rayne oakeshouse plantsplants that are easy to care fordesigning a fitness studio with plantshouseplant careeasy houseplantsdesigning with plantsplants for beginnershouseplant studio tourpilates studiopilates studio tourindoor plantshouseplant home tourpilatespilates studio with plantslivingston manorcatskillshomestead brooklyngarden
Description: On one of our more recent trips to @Flock Finger Lakes, we took a detour to visit our friend Robin in Livingston Manor in the Catskills of New York. She tipped us off to a great pilates studio that also specializes in ... plants! So we decided to drop by and do a little tour. (And yes, I learned some more moves and walked away with a plant)! Let's see if you can guess which one before the film is over... You can find out more about Bodies & Plants here: __ "Plant One On Me" is a channel produced by Summer Rayne Oakes of Homestead Brooklyn that is primarily focused on houseplants and outdoor gardening. Our mission with the channel is to bring people closer to plants by bringing plants closer to them through engaging, entertaining, and educational content. If you enjoy the content and want to support the channel, you can do so by becoming a Sustaining Member for as little as $5/month: Write your questions and suggestions in the comments below the videos and on Instagram @homesteadbrooklyn #PlantOneOnMe. -------------------------------- 😎 COOL STUFF ↴ -------------------------------- ONLINE COURSES: ➨ A Beginner's Course to Houseplants: ➨ Become a houseplant guru with the Houseplant Masterclass: ➨ Troubleshoot Your Houseplants Course: ➨ Get the 125 Houseplant Care Spreadsheet and the Houseplant Care Tracker™: OTHER STUFF: ➨ Order "How to Make a Plant Love You" the book: ➨ Homestead Brooklyn Shop: ➨ See my Houseplant Picks and Storefront (with affiliate codes) And want to be kept up-to-date with all the great giveaways, gardening news, and latest videos and blogs? -------------------------------- 💚FOLLOW/SUB ↴ -------------------------------- ▶ Subscribe to YouTube: ▶ Instagram+IGTV: ▶ Facebook: ▶ Twitter: @sroakes ( ▶ Blog: ▶ Plant Swaps: ▶ Newsletter: -------------------------------- -------------------------------- 😄SUPPORT ↴ -------------------------------- if you like this episode and the others, then be sure to “Subscribe” to this channel and hit the Notifications bell. This really does help keep the channel moving forward! Also, you can become a pillar of support for the channel by becoming a Sustaining Member. More information here: