Channel: No Arcade
Category: Gaming
Tags: pokimanephasmophobia momentsphasmophobia 200 iqphasmophobia vr funny momentsno arcadephasmophobia updatephasmophobia funny momentsscare momentsfunny jumpscaresphasmophobia scary momentsphasmophobia jumpscaresphasmophobia twitchphasmophobia best momentsphasmophobia gameplayphasmophobia tricksphasmophobia scaresphasmophobia highlightsphasmophobia streamersphasmophobia vrphasmophobia
Description: 📩📩📩 Submit your CLIPS here: 💜Hosted by Sana💜 #phasmophobia #bestmoments #phasmophobiaclips When it comes to our videos, we like to do things differently compared to other highlight channels. First off, our host commentate over the clips in every video. Commentary allows us to add value by making observations or giving pointers that will help YOU improve your gameplay or gives you a better understanding of what’s going on in each clip. ►If you have a request related to moments in this video, or this video in general, email - Timestamps: (03:41)- he got what he wish (02:59)- this ghost don't like battle royal games (01:01)- The ghost took offense on bad words (01:44)- he was tea bagging her then this happens (02:04)- Well timed jump scare. (06:41)- they have got two hangmen cards in one deck (05:51)- he probably had a heart attack, but managed to overcome that and take a clean photo of the ghost. (05:39)- The BEST Ghost Picture he've Ever Taken.. (07:14)- Door hiding plain old doesn't work anymore. (04:46)- biggest handprint glitch (00:35)- instant karma (02:29)- they have got three hanged man cards in row (04:25)- this is perfectly timed clip