Channel: Becca Rose
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: how to paint with chalk paintdiy chalkboarddiy blackboardhow to paint a chalkboard wallpainting a chalkboard wallchalkboarddiy blackboard wallhot to paint a blackboard walldiy chalkboard wall
Description: Hey hey! So when we knew we were getting our house, Tom and I both agreed that we would LOVE a chalkboard wall in our kitchen - to doodle and draw, write messages or to-do's, and have our friends and family leave whatever they wish on it when they visit! I decided to do it myself and we are SO pleased with the outcome! What do you think? Would you ever do this? A few posts I found helpful: _____ Instagram - Twitter - OH HEY! I'm Becca - nice to meet ya! You've stumbled upon my little section of the internet where I share all things LIFE! - all with my little pug Rupert! If you like what you see; go ahead and subscribe! :) _____ This video is NOT sponsored by any brands mentioned or shown in this video - all opinions are my own :) Some of the links may be affiliate links - this just means if you click through and decide to purchase something I've shared, I receive a little amount of commission - at no extra cost to you! - think of it as leaving a tip at a restaurant without paying any extra! Like a little service charge! _____ Thanks for stopping by!