Channel: JustOrigami
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: origami instructionsorigami girl sunglasseskuboorigami (hobby)origamiorigamepapercraftcrafts for kidsbest origamisunglasses for girlsscrapbookingorigami glasseslearn origamitutorialsunglassespaper foldingorigami for kidsdiva glassespaper artorigami tutorialjust origamiorigami sunglassesorigani instructionsjustorigamifor kidscraftsst patrick's day for kidshow to do origamioragami
Description: In this video I will show you how to fold a single sheet of paper in to "HER Origami Sunglasses". I have also made video tutorials that show you how to make the Traditional Origami Sunglasses and Origami Sunglasses with frames. In these tutorials I take my time showing you exactly how to make each fold with easy to follow step by step instructions.