Channel: JeremyShaferOrigami
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: youtubehow tofidget spinnerfidget toys diyoregamiorigami fidgetsorigami cubeorigamijeremy shaferfidget toyvideofidget cubeorigami fidget toys tutorialorigamediyorigami fidget toysoscillationfun origami fidget toysorigami spinnerspinnerjeremyshaferorigamiorigami jeremy shafer2021jeremy shafer origamifidgetfidget toyseasy origamispinnersoscillatingorigami fidget toydiy fidget toysorgamiorigami fidgetorigami fidget spinner
Description: [Rather Simple] How to fold an Origami Fidget Cube Fidget Spinner that spins by means of slight oscillation (jiggling) of the hand. The cube that I demoed at the beginning of the video was folded from a 10 inch square and it just barely fit in my hand (I had to use my thumb and fourth finger to hold it). I think a sheet of printer paper cut square would have been the perfect size for my hand, but if you have a smaller hand, I recommend using a 6-inch square, like I demoed right before the tutorial. The fidget cube I taught in this tutorial is a simplification of the stellated octahedron oscillation fidget spinner that I designed with Noam during a tutoring session. To book a tutoring session with me please visit: You can probably figure out the stellated octahedron version if you first fold the stellated octahedron I taught here: This cube is probably easier to make than it is to spin as an oscillation fidget spinner, but if you can spin it that way, you probably will at least be able to figure out how to spin it spinneroo style by blowing onto one side of it. To learn the oscillation spinning technique I recommend folding this fidget spinner: Time Codes: 0:00 - 0:48 Intro 0:48 - 11:08 Tutorial 11:08 - 13:34 How to spin it! 13:34 -14:27 Outros Here are some ways to support me to make more awesome origami videos: 1. Join as a Member to get access to perks: 2. Book a private origami Zoom tutoring session here: 3: Buy one of my books or packages of paper on my Amazon shop: 4. Subscribe and hit the notification bell: 5: Follow me on Instagram: ... or Facebook: 6: Please tell your friends about my channel. Thank you for watching and enjoying these videos! #OrigamiFidget #FidgetSpinner #jeremyshaferorigami