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OpenMV Screen Tutorial ST7735 - M7, H7 or H7 Plus

Duration: 05:29Views: 10.1KLikes: 352Date Created: Jun, 2019

Channel: educ8s.tv

Category: Science & Technology

Tags: diy roboteduc8s.tvopenmv apriltagsopenmv lcd shieldopenmv m7openmv h7openmv m7 tutorialopenmvapriltagseduc8s tvarduino easy projectopenmv tutorialarduinodiycomputer visioneduc8sst7735tutorialeasy tutorialopenmv h7 camrobot localizationlcd st7735

Description: In this OpenMV tutorial, we connect our familiar, $5 1.8" Color TFT display (ST7735 driver) to the OpenMV camera module and display live data to it. Let's get started! A few months ago, I reviewed the impressive OpenMV m7 camera. If you are not familiar with it, the OpenMV camera module is a new board that aims to bring Machine Vision closer to makers. They want to make Machine vision easy and fun to use. The board features a camera module and a very powerful processor which can be programmed using microPython. Please check the detailed video review of the OpenMV cam for more details. The more I use this camera module, the more I understand how capable this thing really is. The specs are fantastic. The creators of the board have also created some addon shields for it, to further improve its potential. One of the most useful shields for a beginner is the LCD shield because it allows you to debug your OpenMV script without the need of a computer. After taking a closer look at the LCD shield, I discovered that it uses our familiar 1.8" Color TFT display. If you are a long time viewer of the channel, you know that I love this display and I have used it many times in the past with Arduino. It is very easy to use, it offers a resolution of 160x128 pixels, it is fast and it is inexpensive. Last, but not least, it costs just $5! You can find a link to it in the description of the video below and ofcourse a link to the LCD shield from OpenMV. 💻 Code & Parts: educ8s.tv/openmv-screen-st7735-tutorial 👨‍💻 Check my new YouTube channel: bit.ly/3tku2n0 🎮 My Android Game: bit.ly/QuizOfKnowledge

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