Channel: MonaLisa Twins
Category: Music
Description: Join our mailing list and get 3 songs for FREE: Join the MLT Club for extra exclusive content & to support us: Donate to support our free YouTube videos: Check Us Out: Music, Merch & News - Facebook - Twitter - Instagram - Nowhere Man - The Beatles Cover _ _ _ _ _ _ Over the last 12 months, there have been plenty of occasions when this song’s lyrics popped into our heads. More and more it feels like we’re living in a Nowhere world, with Nowhere plans for Nobody. Everyone is dealing with the uncertainty of the moment the best they can, and we like to focus on the things we do have, we can control, we can change and all the good people we have in our lives. And to remember those that are no longer with us, too. In that spirit, we’re keeping up the tradition of posting a video in honour of our dear friend Steve, whose birthday would be today. We sadly lost a very special friend and our greatest supporter at that time, in October 2019, right before the madness set in. He was a huge Beatles fan who loved intricate harmonies as much as we do. That’s why we recorded this song for him. So this is for you, Steve, and everyone who has been feeling a little lost lately ♥