Channel: ohCustom
Category: Gaming
Tags: newblack ops 2call of dutyzombiebo2 custom zombiesbo2 zombiesnew black ops 2 zombie mapohcustommapblack ops 2 zombiescod zombies
Description: 💲 Donate & Appear On Stream: ✅ BECOME A MEMBER: SPECIAL DONATIONS: $4.20 Snoop Dog & Wiz Khalifa $5.00 Custom's Zombie DANCE $6.66 Illuminati Confirmed $7.77 hey hey hey $11.00 Custom's AC-130 $10.00 Custom Dance $12.00 All Bark no bite $15.00 Joy Ride $16.00 Floyd - Hard Work $20.00 Floyd - YEEAAH! $20.20 Super Custom $25.00 NUKE $30.00 Rocket Man $40.00 Kings Chase Kings $50.00 HEAVEN $100.00 JACKPOT $200.00 Super Saiyan $500.00 Once a King always a King $1,000.00 CUSTOM'S JACKPOT ------------- Today, I am play Black Ops 2 Zombies on Plutonium and show you all the new zombie map. I hope you guys enjoy and be sure to subscribe and like for more streams! DOWNLOAD MAP HERE: ► Help Custom get to 500,000 subscribers! ► Instagram: ► DISCORD: ► ohCustom's PC Specs: XBOX GT: Goob Steam: ohCustom Snapchat: custom TikTok: ohCustom1