Channel: 628DirtRooster Bees
Category: Entertainment
Tags: beekeeping classnucs for salebeekeeping educational videoteaching beekeepingbeekeeping lessonsbeekeeping schoolbeekeepingbeekeeping for beginnersroad trip brothersbeekeeping edicationroad tripbeekeepers conferencebeekeeping educatorsbees for sale
Description: Many thanks to Kamon and Laurel Reynolds for putting together a great event. I'll link all the channels for the different YouTubers who taught or attended. Kamon's YouTube link One YouTube channel I forgot to mention in the video is Larry Lee's Bees. Larry traveled the farthest of any attendees to be at the conference. He came from Spokane WA. Here is his YouTube link Bob Binnie YouTube link Ian Steppler "A Canadian Beekeepers Blog" YouTube link Natalie "Beekeeping Like A Girl" YouTube Link Check with Kamon about how to sign up for next year's conference. I just set up or Nuc sales on the web site. If you order and it tries to charge shipping please let me know. We do not ship nucs.