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Never catch a DAM BEAVER...

Duration: 09:37Views: 899KLikes: 9.6KDate Created: Feb, 2017

Channel: Andrew Ucles

Category: Pets & Animals

Tags: forest animalandrew uclesbeaver trappingdamshow to trapbeaver factshow to trap beaverbeaver trapping techniqueswildlife relocationbeaver relocationhuntingbeaverthe beaverwildlifelaura zerrathe animal beaverbeaversnatureanimal relocationchophow to catch beaverbeaver damtrappingwatergnawbeaver catchbeaver animal factshow to catchwild beaveranimalbeaver behaviourbeaver (animal)

Description: ►►► Watch It Now!: andrewucles.com/north-america-the-wild-meets-the-weird This was the first Beaver I had ever interacted with and surprisingly there were three things I had learned fast about the way he identified a threat in his natural surroundings. At first I thought the Beaver was blind as I stood across the dam from him and he barely reacted to my presence. Testing his skills of detection I soon realized that both his sense of hearing and smell where amazing. Having disguised myself into the dam bank waiting for him to enter his lodge, he was quick to pick up on my scent being at a distance greater than 10 meters, furthermore the slight snapping of a twig under my foot was enough to startle him and send him diving into the water below. I had to find his weakness... This video essentially explores the fundamental human errors which take place when trying to capture a species for the first time. Enjoy Chuchi! Subscribe for more wild videos! ► bit.ly/AUsubscribe andrewucles.com facebook.com/uclesvsthewild twitter.com/AndrewUcles [The following footage was complied by an experienced individual(s) - no attempt should be made to reenact or recreate the following footage. No animals within the following footage were harmed. The footage depicts animals being restrained and no intent has been made to injure, harm or stress the animal(s). All animals used within the following footage were released back into their natural state. Viewers should not attempt the following outtakes without the appropriate permits and review of the relevant legislation and industry professional assistance.]

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