Channel: V2rocketproductions
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: exo zombiesblack opswaffen sspanzercannonsofficergermanyworld war 2mg34combatelena siegmannazi zombieshetzerworld at warray gunsamanthacall of dutyblack ops 2t-34-85zombie originstankscod originsmosin nagantexplosionszombiescall of duty advanced warfareppshcod tranzitflak 88mmnuketownmg42nazisder reisebattlepanzerschreckkar98ksovietswunder waffe dg-2super soldiercodgroup 935serum 115
Description: This is it! The big plunge before the beginning of the end! Krieger and Garland are closing in on Richtofen's home, it's April 1945 and the war is drawing to an end. These are the final moments that count. Will Krieger stop Richtofen? Will Richtofen be triumphant? Like, Comment, and Subscribe!