Channel: PMTVUK
Category: Music
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Description: Over In San Francisco at Dunlops secret JAILHOUSE studio, Dagan sits down with the legend that is Bryan Keyhoe to see if they can nail Dagans favourite guitar tone of all time, using ONLY MXR & Dunlop Pedals into a clean amp! Some of these pedals are simply legendary, used from stage to studio, from the 70's all the way through to now! Randy Rhoads with the MXR Distortion + & Eddie Van Halen with the MXR Phase 90 to name a few! They talk about the history of these pedals and the different applications in which you can use them! Also how they've been modified for the modern era, like the MXR Phase 95 and all of it's switching modes! Check out our USA 2022 Road Trip playlist here (It'll get updated every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday!) - Grab all the pedals Bryan & Dagan demo in this video at PMT Online below! MXR Distortion + - MXR FOD Overdrive - MXR Phase 95 - MXR Micro Amp - MXR Dyna Comp - MXR Analog Chorus - MXR Carbon Copy Delay - 00:00 Intro - What Pedals Are We Using Today? 01:38 Bypassed Tone (Delay Only) 02:26 FOD For That "British Stack" Tone 03:02 Distortion+ For Extra Grit 03:30 Micro Amp For Solos 03:52 Don't Be Scared To MAX Your Distortion+! 04:29 Micro Amp Is NOT A Transparent Boost... But That's Why It's Awesome 05:10 Dyna Comp + Analog Chorus = 80's Power Ballads 06:10 Phase 95 - From Swirly To Subtle 08:29 Bonus Tones - 70's Country! 10:09 Final Thoughts #MXRPedals #DunlopPedals #Overdrive #Delay #80sMusic #80sRock __________________________________________________________ Subscribe to PMTVUK: Find us on social media: Find Your Local PMT Store: