Category: People & Blogs
Tags: jaystephermore feesthe negativesbricks and pieceslego jaystepherlego mergeafolladult fan of legostandard feesjaystepher legolego shop at homelegolegosbestseller feeslego vlogremoval of new lego partsif you're not carefullego feessafe for workpositive sideshipping feeswhy the changepick a brickface video
Description: Yup, LEGO finally merged Bricks & Pieces with Pick-a-Brick. Is it what we expected? Am I satisfied with the changes? Watch to find out. Join our Discord server: Chapters: 00:00 Into 00:21 Pick-a-Brick Positives 01:13 Cannot Ignore Categories 01:51 Removal Of New Parts 02:42 "Bestseller" Fees 04:45 "Standard" Fees 05:12 Shipping Fees 06:19 If You're Not Careful 07:35 My Opinion I have been making LEGO how to build tutorials for many years. This is just a hobby for an adult fan of LEGO (AFOL) to relieve stress from work after a long day. Creations involve LEGO homes, furniture, accessories, vehicles such as cars and trucks, campers, trailers, fifth wheels, restaurants, and many more. All my ideas are from my imagination are are preserved on YouTube, not only for myself to preserver my ideas, but to share my LEGO building skills and techniques with the LEGO community. All my content is safe for work and is free of offensive language and explicit content to ensure other AFOLs share my content with their families and friends. Most of my videos are intended for older LEGO builders in general and are not recommended for viewers under the age of 13 due to use of small LEGO bricks and parts. Some of my builds are preserved in written building guides and instruction manuals. The builder can simply download a PDF file of the same LEGO building tutorial to a smart device or computer to build at his or her own speed and leisure. My goal is to have all my creations preserved in PDF format. This is a daunting task and may take several years to complete. If there is a LEGO builds you would like to see in PDF form, let me know. Larger MOCs and tutorials may take several months to complete due to my work schedule. This video is in no way sponsored, endorsed nor affiliated with LEGO nor the LEGO Group. #mythoughts #vlog #whythechange