Channel: Lisa Cimorelli
Category: Comedy
Tags: lisa cimorelli unlovedlisa cimorelli floridalisa cimorelli musiclisa cimorelli dysfunctionallisa cimorelli back to melisa cimorelli sololisa cimorelli sisterslisa cimorelli interviewlisa cimorelli solo songlisa cimorelli talkinglisa cimorelli music videocimorellilisalisa cimorelli alonelisa cimorelli singing by herselflisa cimorelli italylisa cimorelli goodbye
Description: MY SONG UNLOVED IS OUT NOW AAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!! I have been DREAMING of this day for so long I can't believe it's finally here. Wow. Love you guys so much, thank you for making this possible. This is truly a dream come true and also a very vulnerable moment for me so it means A LOT to have all this amazing support and energy behind this release. This song is so personal and means so much to me, I hope you guys connect with it and share it with whomever you think might need it! Love you guys SO MUCH and thank you for being with me on this journey!!! I couldn't ask for a better family supporting me every step of the way ugh 😭 LOVE YOU GUYS AND HAPPY UNLOVED RELEASE DAY!!!!!!!!! xoxo - Lisa Cimorelli 💜