Channel: MoveWell with Molly
Category: Sports
Tags: everydaygymnasticshow i did at my level 9 meetbest level 9 gymnastlevel 9 gymnastmolly mookgimnasticsgymnastics meetgymnasticseveryday gymnastics molly mookgymnastics meet videogymnastics commentarydave moskovitz invitationaljimnasticsgymnastics routinesworkoutfitnesseveryday gymnasticsdave moskovitz meetmollymooktutoriallevel 9 gymnasticsusag gymnastics meetsgymnastics meet montage
Description: Hi everyone! I competed in the USAG Dave Moskovitz Invitational, or DMI meet, for my second level 9 meet. The commentary style seemed popular after last video, so I decided to do it again! I improved by a lot at this meet, but I know I still have a long way to go...stay tuned to see me get better throughout the season :) Scores: Vault- 8.2 Bars- 6.3 Beam- 8.175 Floor- 8.8 AA- 31.475 I am a 17 year old gymnast and currently a level 9. I started gymnastics when I was 11 years old and shortly after started this Youtube channel. Come back weekly for a tutorial, challenge, workout, or other fun kind of video and please subscribe! Twitter: @edgymnastics Instagram: @everyday__gymnastics Second Channel: