Channel: Yudhaikeledai
Category: Comedy
Tags: magicbighasbrorepairfriendshipprankjohnsonthinkingapplejackbarnfan animationportal (video game)portalfunnycaveportalsparodymy little ponyislampmacintoshmyanimationwithrepairsapertureapplebloomto the moonlightsciencehandheldvalvedeviceponyapple familyflashlittle
Description: "Cave Johnson here! And thus my Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device has gone commercial in Equestria! With only 60 bits, you can have one. And it seems that Applebloom managed to get her hands on one using her spare pocket money, and still get a jar of Conversion gel too! Will she be using it for the good cause? I'm watching you Applebloom, use that thing wisely!" Twi got herself a break . She's still in hospital trying to free herself out of that mailbox I decided to take a leap forward by putting a minute long short. Too bad this doesn't look very good to me personally... Speaking of which, Feedback and/or critique is most welcome. And please don't hold back, if you think I deserve some scolding and constructive criticism, go hard on me. Music is "The Sims 3 Pets" My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (c) Hasbro Portal (c) Valve Program used: Macromedia Flash 8 Deviantart Link (better quality):