Channel: CutieMark Crusaders
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: magicyoutubegamecrusaderagingpinkie pieponieschannelbabiestwilight sparkleapplejackcrusadersapplemusicbloomcryinggamesfunnyweird pony gamesmy little ponyangrymyfriendship is magicrainbow dashmlpweirdapplebloomcutiecmccutie marksracing gamesapplesfluttershyponyfunmarklittle
Description: Hey guys, its scootaloo, sorry for the silence! Usually when we dont upload for a while, theres stuff going on with us, or we're very busy. And you're probaly also wondering, where the hell is scootaloo and sweetie belle XD dont worry we're still here, it just takes a while for our videos to edit since there long. But anyways, here's the lovely amazing applebloom! This video was made a while ago, just never got edited, so I decided to edit it for her. Applebloom has been going through a lot lately, (its personal) and I just wanted to give her a break and let her relax :) and If you love and support applebloom, and your still reading this because your a true subscriber, type in the comments "We're here for you applebloom". And maybe also type scootaloo is the best pony in the world :P Jk dont do that :} Song used: Vexento - We are one