Channel: MoveWell with Molly
Category: Sports
Tags: everydaygymnasticsymca gymnasticsymca nationals gymnasticslevel 9 gymnastmolly mookgimnasticsgymnastics meetgymnasticseveryday gymnastics molly mooklevel 9 gymnastics meetjimnasticsgymnastics routineslevel 9 gymnastics routinesworkoutfitnesseveryday gymnasticsmollymooktutorial
Description: Hey everyone! Welcome back to another video:) This June I traveled to Wisconsin to compete in YMCA Nationals! I qualified for day 2 of the level 9 competition in floor, vault, and beam. Since I was a senior in high school this year, graduated, and my college doesn't have gymnastics, this was my last meet ever! Enjoy. I am an 18 year old gymnast and currently a level 9. I started gymnastics when I was 11 years old and shortly after started this Youtube channel. Come back weekly for a tutorial, challenge, workout, or other fun kind of video and please subscribe! Twitter: @edgymnastics Instagram: @everyday__gymnastics Second Channel: