Channel: Jaclyn Hill
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: drugstore makeupsmokey eye tutorialeveryday makeupcontour facemorning routinecrunch wrap supremetaco bellhow-tocrunch wrapjaclynhill1jaclyn hillcat eye makeupmakeup tutorialcat makeup
Description: Hey guys! Did you know my crunchwrap supreme is better than Taco Bells?! Watch this video to find out how to make an amazing one at home! MEAT CHOPPER I'M OBSESSED WITH! TOP THAT I'M WEARING! LASHES IM WEARING! (my current faves) USE CODE "JACLYN" FOR A DISCOUNT! EYESHADOW IM WEARING! CODE "JACATTACK" FOR A DISCOUNT! ♡ ♡ ♡ PURCHASE MY MAKEUP COLLECTIONS HERE! USE CODE: “JACATTACK” FOR A DISCOUNT ♡ ♡ ♡ Chapters 📚 0:00 - Intro 1:29 - Crunchwrap Construction 10:41 - Taste Test 11:41 - Jaclyn Vs Taco Bell 13:30 - Recap CONNECT WITH ME!!! MY PO BOX 301 W. Platt St #632 Tampa FL 33606 INSTAGRAM: Jaclynhill TWITTER: Jaclynhill SNAPCHAT: Jaclynrhill Business inquiries only: (I am no longer booking clients) ♡ ♡ ♡ * SOME links provided above are affiliate links! I am compensated based on some affiliate purchases. My channel is a fun place for people to enjoy the world of beauty! If you leave mean negative comments or resort to name calling, I will delete your comment & block you. My channel is not the place. This world is so ugly & negative & we desperately need to make a change. I cant control the world, but I can control my channel. Constructive criticism is always welcome! "you're a lying bitch" is NOT constructive ! Don't feel like you need to kiss my ass. Feel free to speak your mind but please respect each other! XOXO