Channel: Eric Haugen Guitar
Category: Education
Tags: fendertube ampguitar lessonpentatonicstutorialdoublestopsstratocastervoxfills
Description: The eternal truth is this: Every chord you've ever played, or ever will play, has a pentatonic scale right behind it. The CAGED system is the best way I know to sort out the possibilities in a useful and musical way. My series of 50 videos walks you through how to massage this idea into our heads so we can float along the fretboard smoothly. Affiliate link is below! My Truefire Masterclass: "CAGED Edition of Guitar Zen" I'm on Patreon: Instagram: and Spotify: If you like my videos, and would like to schedule a private online lesson, stop by my website: Sound Tools Used in This Vid: 2018 MIM Classic 50s Lacquer Stratocaster 50s pickups Strymon Deco (Tape Saturation) Vox AC4HW amp - Weber Ceramic Blue Dog Speaker (Hemp Cone) Beyerdynamic m160 Ribbon Mic - Cloudlifter Art Tube Mp Preamp - Tascam Dr-40 Field Recorder Valhalla Vintage Verb Thanks for watching - your attention is what gives me opportunities to do stuff like this!