Channel: im dat ho
Category: Entertainment
Tags: squid gamedalgona candyim dat hodalgona candy squid gamesquid game candysquid game netflixsquid game mukbangmukbangers trying dalgona from squid gamenetflix squid gamedalgona cookie squid gamesquid game dalgona challengesquid game asmrsquid game challengemukbangers doing squid game challengessquid game dalgonasquid game foodsquid game candy mukbangeating squid gamesquid game season 1dalgona squid gamesquid game episode 1
Description: Hey, today we look at mukbangers trying dalgona candy from squid games! if you’re reading this what’s been your favourite moment from squid games so far? SUBSCRIBE ^-^ MUSIC 3 Intro Song - Outro Song - CHANNEL CREDITS (go send love) Abbey ASMR - Tasty Hoon - choa asmr - JaeYeol ASMR - mukbangers trying dalgona candy from SQUID GAME mukbangers trying dalgona candy from SQUID GAME mukbangers trying dalgona candy from SQUID GAME FAIR USE* Federal Law allows citizens to reproduce, distribute, or exhibit portions of copyrighted motion pictures, video tapes, or video discs under certain circumstances without authorization of the copyright holder this is called “FAIR USE” and is allowed for purposes of criticism, news reporting, teaching, and parody which dosent infringe of copyright under 17 USC 107