Channel: mellowb1rd
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: fix mouserepairhow tofix mouse clickdouble clickingrepair mousedouble click problemnot workinglogitech g303faultyhow to fix aswitchmousebroken mouse buttonhow to fixdiyfix broken mouseleft mouse click problemfix double clickinggaming mousedouble clickmouse problempc gamingmouse not workingfix mouse buttonfix double clicking mousegaming micehow to repairhow to repair mouse
Description: Fix a Faulty mouse button using this simple method. There are far too many Youtube videos out there, claiming to show a fix for a faulty, sticking, non registering or double-clicking mouse button, and they are all ridiculously bad and involve opening the micro switch and fiddling around with a tiny springy piece of copper that's almost impossible to put back into the switch. This video shows the correct method, which guarantees a proper fix every time with a fraction of the hassle.