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Most Advanced space Humanoid Robot 2020

Duration: 06:52Views: 5.9KLikes: 156Date Created: Dec, 2020

Channel: Inventions World

Category: Science & Technology

Tags: humanoidbest robotshumanoid robotai robotaiadvanced robotartificial intelligencevalkyrienasaadvanced robotspersonal robotatlas robotvalkyrie robotboston dynamicsspace robothumanoid robotssmart robotsnasa robot

Description: Most Advanced space Humanoid Robot 2020 =============================================== Valkyrie is an advanced humanoid designed to operate in degraded or damaged human-engineered environments. NASA hopes to eventually send Valkyrie into space, to the moon, and to Mars. The Valkyrie robotic platform was originally designed and built in 2013 to carry out search and rescue missions inline with the DARPA Robotics Challenge. After a series of electro-mechanical upgrades and a software partnership with IHMC, the Valkyrie platform is now a core robotic platform in the NASA Space Robotics Challenge. The Valkyrie robot measures about 6 feet in height and weighs 290 pounds. Valkyrie is a 32 degree of freedom walking robot featuring two legs, two arms, a neck, and a waist. Valkyrie utilizes the MultiSense SL in its head, anterior hazard cameras, multiple LORD MicroStrain IMU sensors, and ATI Multi-Axis Torque sensors.

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