Channel: myyoutubepaige
Category: Entertainment
Tags: collegea day in my life at collegehalloweekendpaige mills halloweenpaige millsuniversitydorm room tourlast minute halloween costumepaige mills uniiuwhat i eat in a day at collegehalloween costume ideaslast minute costumeweekend at collegehalloweengrwm for college partypaige mills collegeindiana universitypaige mills halloweekendcostume ideasa day in my life at iu
Description: monthly recap! Subscribe! : *** Items Mentioned: Are You Am I Dress- Musier Black Skirt- Bondi Sands Tanning Mask- **** I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH! 💛 If you want, follow me on instagram - 💛 If you want, follow me on twitter - 💛 if you are a company interested in working with me, or want me to review your product, email me at- hi guys! I'm Paige Mills and I make a bunch of different videos on fashion, makeup, college life, as well as weekly vlogs. I love sharing these parts of my life with you guys here on youtube. Please make sure to subscribe if you aren't already and I hope you love my channel!