Channel: Real Crusades History
Category: Education
Tags: where was the battle of ain jault?mamluks governmentmamluksmongolsbaibarsbattle of ain jalutbaibars vs mongolsbattle of ayn jalutain jaulthistory lessonqutuzmongol empireegyptbattle of ain jalut 1260battle of ain jalut documentaryqutuz ain jalutmamluk sultanatehulagureal crusades historymamluks vs mongolssultan qutuzmongolbaybars historybaibars documentaryqutuz mamluk sultan of egyptkitbugamamluke egyptmongolian empire
Description: In 1260, the Mongols were at the height of their power. At this moment, a large Mongol army swept into Syria ready to crush the forces of the Mamluk Sultan Qutuz. In defiance, the Mamluk Sultan assembled his army, and prepared for a showdown at the Battle of Ain Jalut. Here, the Mamluks and the Mongols would decisively test one another in one of the truly remarkable battles of the Middle Ages. Get my book about the Crusades: Support my work on Patreon: Special thanks to the great Nedim Can Incebay for providing outstanding clips and footage for this video: Get the music used in this video: Sub to my Roman Lion YouTube channel: Sources: -Amitai-Preiss, Reuven - Mongols and Mamluks: The Mamluk-Īlkhānid War, 1260-1281, (Cambridge, 1995) -Nicolle, David - The Mongol Warlords, (Brockhampton, 1998) -Perry, Glenn E. - The History of Egypt, (Greenwood, 2004) -Sicker, Martin - The Islamic World in Ascendancy: From the Arab Conquests to the Siege of Vienna, (Praeger, 2000) -Waterson, James - The Knights of Islam: The Wars of the Mamluks, (Greenhill, 2007) #Baibars #Mamluk #Mongol