Channel: Warped Perception
Category: Entertainment
Tags: miniature car engines that runtoyan 4 stroke enginemodel engine4 stroke motormini car enginemini enginemodel engine runningminiature enginetoyan fs100engine buildminiature car engine kits4 strokeminiature 4 stroke engineslow motion
Description: I build and Run this Miniature 4-stroke engine and Film it in Slow Motion. The first 1000 people who click the link will get 2 free months of Skillshare Premium: I build this Toyan miniature 4-stroke engine from a kit that I bought it comes in individual pieces, then I start the engine and filming in slow motion to not only show how the valves in the camshaft work with the exhaust stroke but also to investigate further into something I've seen on my car where the lifter spins while the engine is running. LINKS TO THE ENGINE Toyan FS-S100AC Engine: Other Toyan Engines: it was really cool to see this happening in slow motion, this was only the building and the running portion of this engine I have some future plans coming up where I want to do something extreme. PROGRAM GUIDE: 00:00 Intro 01:02 Step 1- Building Engine (Crankshaft assembly) 01:42 Step 2- Building Engine (Body and sleeve) 02:05 Step 3- Building Engine (Crankcase) 02:40 Step 4- Building Engine (Cylinder Head and Valves) 05:56 Step 5- Building Engine (Exhaust and Muffler) 06:29 Step 6- Building Engine (Timing Belt and Pulleys) 07:55 Stp 6.1 Building Engine (Cooling Fan) 08:44 Step 7- Building Engine (Carburetor assembly) 12:14 Step 8- Building Engine (Valve Cover) 13:59 Skillshare Piece 15:28 STARTING ENGINE 1ST TIME 16:56 Running on 30% Nitromethane 17:50 Slow Motion of Engine running 19:05 Slow Motion of valves and camshaft Working 20:21 Outro thanks for watching and tell me what you think in the comments below! This video was sponsored by Skillshare ↓↓Social media Links↓↓ 🐦 ► Twitter: 👍 ► Facebook: ◙ ► Instagram: ☢ ► IMDB: I sometimes post things early or post previews on FB and Instagram so if you like that sort of thing give them a visit. Please leave any opinions suggestions or comments Below and don't forget to check out our other videos and subscribe, Thank you. Watch this in 4k when possible, it looks incredibly awesome ! Carbon 12 Produced By: Carbon 12 Directed By: Matt Mikka