Channel: JerenVids
Category: Gaming
Tags: minecraft 1.7 shadersmcpe shaders 1.7mcpe simple shadersminecraft shaders peminecraft texture packminecraft shaders texture packminecraft shaders 1.7minecraft shadersminecraft pe simple shaders2018mcpe 1.7 shadersjerenvidsminecraft pe shadersminecraft pe shaders 1.7mcpemcpe shaders 2018minecraft pemcpe shaderssimple shaders
Description: This is Simple Shaders for Minecraft PE 1.7 on both iOS and Android! It has a custom sky and shadows! It's quite lightweight, so it should give you no lag at all if you're using a modern device. For more MCPE shaders, leave a like and subscribe! How to install shaders: Download Simple Shaders: --- Music: Floatinurboat - Limbo (feat. ELIØTT) [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Watch: 🎮 Shop for cheap games: Use code "JERE" for 3% off! ♛ Minecraft Merch: 🎮 Gaming Products: #Minecraft #MCPE